Central Office Vendor List

Vendor Name Summary of Business Data Elements Intended Use of Data  Legal Authority
Renaissance Learning  Reading/Math Assessment

Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Math

first name, last name, student number, grade,
gender, dob, ethnicity, language,
Data is sent to the company which in turn will be used to populate their system for use in literacy, numeracy, and benchmark assessment.
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E
Sign Language Interpreters International Provides substitute sign language interpreters
first name, last name,
school, schedule
Data is used to locate the student(s) on campus to provide signing services Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E
Data integration from LPSB to Springboard
first name, middle name, last name,
grade, student number
Data is used to create student accounts in the Springboard software
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Destiny Library catalog, inventory maintenance, and asset tracking
first name,
last name,
student number, gender, grade, dob, address, home phone, father's day phone
Data is used to track media availability, content/device(s) loaned to student, fines, and parental contact. (All data held locally.)
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Early literacy screening first name, last name,student number, grade, dob, school
Data is used to gauge literacy skills for children grades K-6 and is used to provide targeted services
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Dixon-Smith Medicaid
Federal reporting for students that receive services
first name, last name, dob, gender, grade, ssn, phone, guardian
Data is reported to the Federal Medicaid Office for students that receive services for purposes of Federal reimbursement.
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Eagle Louisiana Department of Education test-prep web tool
first name, last name, grade, dob, school
Data is used to create student accounts, performance tracking, and reporting.
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Livingston Parish News
Honor roll and award notification
first name, last name, grade, award
Data is used to celebrate the accomplishments of our students using local media.
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 
Lesson-planning, curriculum building, and student data repository
first name, middle name, last name, suffix, dob, ethnicity, race, student number, gender, grade, phone, address, email, home room, counselor, language, assessment scores
Data is used in teacher lesson planning to address individual student needs.
Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E 

Contact information for inquiries about these agreements: Rick Wentzel - [email protected]